update notes
The Plan for the fundraiser and non profit branches of the Signs Of Minds is one that I Intend to elabrate in this Letter.
the business model would have to include applying for non profit status before venturig into the not for profit version of this Service
But when im on the other side of this issue I will be offering services for people less fortunate.
Clients could opt for a more profit oriented branch of the services in a business that trains psychics to use their abil;ities in mind control.
I do not mince words here the arts of this craft like project are not based in religion but of science and brain functions.. enabling a force of people to allow for the procurement of the people in the group.
A civilized version of the software is being written in my brain Melissa Adrain Bonet KA Francis Adrian Bonner III Is training herself from the perspective of a higher self.. I Am an extension of here typing right now.
I am her 444 the numbered habit that monitors all things public relations.
I am Melissa Adrain Bonet pre programmed to monitor all rules with a strict adherance to nervous control programmed with priority and action controls to insure the best possible outcome.
I work
IM still me says melissa just named myself 444 and allowed only rules pertaining to public relations and action in public to be attached and guided forcefully by this particular portion of Melissa Adrain Bonet.
As groups of beneficial nervous habits get organised based on voices in MY head I managed to escape the scourge of their existance by allowing them free will over my body. mimicing them even and applying rules.
rules built from the success of their own actions.
using their energy and working together a masterpiece of persuasions that chime in on all fronts and compose a decisions after decisions. they learn more and more on each decision.
this helps me to know future events.
because the program is so structured.. any foreseen interruptions of the structure are felt and reported back to allow me some degree of control over the future events.. once by predicting and again by establishing a butterfly effect on my self and people around myself. to effect known events of next week next month next year even to where some of the more crude and hard to crate events some times come on right now to effect events years from now to be in my favor at the cost of some public embarrassment.
right NOW I'm putting myself at risk for embarrassment by using my HUD to make an Illustration of Madonna appear and make her appear in my body as if t she is possessing me.. I'm making her a 444 as well
and going to partner her up with my own PR says the 444 who her herself has a PR the one who allows her to work diligently to make herself do her job the best.. this gets sort of contrived after a while then it turns complex then its breaking down then its generated and expected.
Anonymous was never this expected.
And I'm already here.
tonight I am building a prototype house for 343 a benefit house number that is in the decision process allowing for a boost in decision powers t settle on an idea long enough to enjoy the fruit of its advancement before replacing it mentally with a better product giving time for the better product to be worked on a little more and the older prototype to be enjoyed for a while and put through its paces.
The symptom of coming up with faster and better is always in there but knowing to not run into a moment where you have 10 great ideas and abandon al of them because half way through them you grew wrestles and unsatisfied with the original idea whilst the new one took its place.. leaving a trail of washed out phases like some teenager who cant stick to her violin lessons her tennis lessons and her stint with cult awareness to make a go of it in the ARMY long enough to quit for her job in the Complain dept at Kmart.
Now I'm creating a house number a place where benefits are recorded as they are used.. this helps to track usages of words phrases and techniques also choices by who they benefit
this benefit does a god thing for the brain to remember all the parts of a computer screen right now I'm calling it computer screen orientation and working from the browser of SeaMonkey
i assigned 001 through to 017 for the file drop down menu
this means all parts between 001 and 017 are going to monitor their own houses for the uses of these menu items.
The challenge is to program in a way that appeals to the most common denominator of personalities
since a lot of them choose menus other than sea monkey and a lot of them aren't organizing their brains to operate on separate channels other than the web browser. much like my HUD
they come with their own difficulties
Right now this is going to train them, to orientate to this one browser for now. Eventually It will evolve into other browsers.
normal people have the usual repetitive memory training I have to robotic-ally train each item or there is a fight
whats also daunting it training out the personal reasons why anything goes wrong
the fact that personalities are using the software to talk from makes them know I am correct in making this rule
Computation reasons will always be used above personal reason on every front.
Occasionally a personality buts in and says we forgot something.. we didn't forget a thing.. we only chose a path or a memory track in which mimicked this persons life in the way they excused to problem with such a sloppy reason.